
20 Most Effective Ways to Sneak Booze into a Festival

how to sneak booze into a festival

Music festivals and booze go hand-in-hand. However,  Most festivals don’t allow any alcohol to be taken into the festival grounds. Considering music festivals are becoming increasingly expensive, and the prices for a drink also go up significantly, it is tempting …

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How to Avoid Theft and Pickpockets at Music Festivals: 10 Tips

How to Avoid Theft at Music Festivals

Music festivals are supposed to be a fun experience where people enjoy music, food, and other activities. However, with large crowds come certain risks, such as pickpocketing and theft. Pickpockets are getting smarter at stealing your smartphone: it is pulled …

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Top 5 Best Earplugs for Music Festivals or Concerts

best earplugs festivals

BEEEEEPP…! That’s what you probably hear after going to a concert or festival. At least, if you don’t wear proper hearing protection. Music festivals are a great way to experience live music, but as we all know, they can also …

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